The Walled-Up Woman


Georgina performs solo in the character of a medieval anchoress, one of many Catholic women who voluntarily entered lifelong lockdown, walled up at the side of churches, to pray for souls. The script draws on the 'Ancrene Wisse', 'Holy Maidenhood' and 'The Soul's Ward' - medieval guides for anchoresses written by male clerics. The rest is imagination. 

'The Walled-Up Woman' premiered in September 2020 at Aldeburgh Look Out.  During Lockdown, the show was adapted for  its Zoom premiere in November 2020 via the Bromley House Library, Nottingham. It was zoomed for the Richard III Society in April 2021 and the Highgate Festival, 6pm on 23rd June 2021. It was performed at St Mary's Church Faversham on July 9th 2022, on 16th July 2022 at Snape's Church of John the Baptist, Shere Church in August 2023, All Saints North Street Church, York on 7th October 2023 and on 5th November at 4pm - Old Church, St Pancras.


“If anything works on Zoom this does.  So compelling.” — Judith Still, Professor Emeritus of French, Nottingham University

"Great. I  felt like the Zoom screen was the anchoress's little window." — Judith Hawley, Professor of 17th and 18th Century Literature and Culture, Royal Holloway, University of London.

"Great writing.  Really fab." — Dr Anna Robinson, poet and broadcaster,

"... great, teetering on madness. So pious, yet competitive. A great character." Janet Clapson, audience at Richard III Society.

.".. a wonderful insight into the life of a Medieval anchoress.... fascinating, absorbing and beautifully presented. It was well suited to Zoom, pertinent to lockdown, and very well researched." --Julia Langham, Event Administrator, Richard III Society.

 "...not only well acted but an excellent way of conveying the role of an Anchoress...  a fascinating way of conveying the important role they played. Georgina is most definitely multi talented & during the Q & A session I particularly liked her view on highlighting woman who have played important roles but over the passing of time have been quietly overlooked & forgotten." Kathy Treder, audience, Richard III society

"engrossing - you drew me in imaginatively very completely". Kathy Dallas, President,  Highgate Literary and Scientific Institute.

"Terrific Georgina! Loved the script (as well as performance)" Di Sherlock, opera director.

."What a beautifully written and performed piece!" Laura Engel, Professor of Eighteenth-Century British Literature, Duquesne University.

"I haven't been able to get it out of my head since. It was so powerful." Catriona, Church Adminstator, Faversham.

"Thank you for the stunning performance of The Walled-Up Woman. You had a rapt audience and the questions were a testament to the impact of your performance." Harold Goodwin, Chair, Friends of St Mary of Charity, Faversham.

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